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The Mercury Detoxification Manual: A Guide to Mercury Chelation

The Mercury Detoxification Manual: A Guide to Mercury Chelation

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A book on how to cure mercury poisoning
by Rebecca Rust Lee and 
Andrew Hall Cutler, PhD, PE
ISBN 978-0-9676168-4-1


What is in the book?

The Mercury Detoxification Manual: A Guide to Mercury Cleation starts with symptoms of mercury poisoning and where you might have been exposed. It then goes on to discuss how to test for chronic mercury poisoning.

You will need to get amalgam fillings removed (if you have them) before chelating. Chapter 5 discusses what work you need to have done, how to do it safely and whether you need to worry about amalgam under crowns. It describes the precautions you need to take and your dentist needs to take to make sure the work is done safely.

There are two chapters on chelation: one on chelation in general and one on the Andy Cutler chelation (ACC) protocol. These chapters describe how to chelate along with what to do and not do when you are chelating.

Chapter 8 describes a number of problems common to mercury toxic people. It discusses adrenal fatigue, hypothyroidism, diabetes, liver problems, digestive tract problems, yeast and dysbiosis, poor concentration and attention deficit, depression, anxiety, insomnia, chemical sensitivity and pain. In addition, it lists supplements that can help each of these problems and what your doctor can do to help.

The diet chapter helps you find ways to eat that make you feel better. In particular, it discusses thiols in foods. Thiols are a specific type of sulfur compound in food that can cause sensitive people to react badly. The chapter describes an elimination diet to tell if you are sensitive to thiols. It also gives high and low thiol food lists. Many people find great relief from symptoms by eating the correct thiol diet.

Keeping yourself organized and on track is very difficult for the mercury toxic person. The organization chapter discusses ways to get and keep yourself organized. It provides suggestions for supplements, cheltion and day to day living.

One question that comes up is: can I have children while mercury toxic? Chapter 11 addresses this issue. It's the first time this information has been published in an easy to read form. 

If you find you are mercury toxic, it's normal to wonder if your child is too. Chapter 12 gives metrics to decide if your child also needs chelation. There are teething charts, a discussion of growth charts and a timeline of developmental milestones. If your child is not meeting these milestones, it's worth considering chelation.


Back cover copy

Have you been sick for years?
Have you seen doctor after doctor with no relief?

Or worse, have you been given a diagnosis (like Parkinson's disease, lupus, diabetes or dementia) and told there is no cure? That, at best, your doctor can only treat the symptoms?

Are you finally ready for a healthy body

The Andy Cutler chelation (ACC) protocol is the safest known method for removing mercury and oter toxins from your body. This book describes how it feels to be mercury poisoned. It will help you decide if you are toxic. It gives a detailed description of how to chelate using the ACC protocol, not only to remove mercury, but also lead, aluminum, arsenic, antimony, cadmium and copper.

You will learn how to take care of yourself while you are becoming healthy:

  • How to identify problems with your thyroid, adrenal glands, digestivr system and more
  • Supplements to relieve symptoms caused by these problems
  • How your doctor can help you

Why wait any longer to reclaim the vibrant health you were born with?

Let the authors guide you to better health!


Some signs and symptoms of chronic mercury poisoning

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) website says chronic mercury poisoning causes signs and symptoms such as:

  • irritability
  • shyness
  • tremors
  • changes in vision or hearing
  • memory problems
  • depression
  • numbness and tingling in the hands, feet or around the mouth


Table of contents




  • Preface
  • Acknowledgements
  • Why did Andy die
  • Introduction
  • 1 Where and how people get toxic
    • 1.1 Why mercury is so dangerous
    • 1.2 How your might have become poisoned
    • 1.3 Why your doctor might miss what is wrong
  • 2 What mercury poisoning looks like
    • 2.1 Psychological symptoms
    • 2.2 Neurological symptoms
    • 2.3 Physical symptoms
  • 3 Other toxic metals
    • 3.1 Aluminum
    • 3.2 Antimony
    • 3.3 Arsenic
    • 3.4 Cadmium
    • 3.5 Copper
    • 3.6 Lead
  • 4 How to test for chronic mercury poisoning
    • 4.1 If you don't have mercury fillings: a trial of chelation
    • 4.2 If you have mercury filings: a hair test
      • 4.2.1 How to interpret a hair test
      • 4.2.2 How to apply the "counting rules" to the "Essential and Other Elements" section of a Doctor's Data hair test
  • 5. Dental work: the biggest hurdle
    • 5.1 Dental work and what you need done
      • 5.1.1 The difficult issue of crowns
    • 5.2 Further comments about dentistry
      • 5.2.1 Precautions you must take with the dentist
      • 5.2.2 Precautions the dentist must take
      • 5.2.3 Be careful about advice from your dentist
      • 5.2.4 How to afford the dental work
  • 6 The ins and outs of chelation
    • 6.1 The Cutler protocol vs other methods
    • 6.2 How chelation works
    • 6.3 The chelating agents and waiting periods for taking the
      • 6.3.1 The chelators we use for the ACC protocol
      • 6.3.2 The waiting periods for taking chelators
      • 6.3.3 Why these waiting periods are important
    • 6.4 Which chelators to choose and how much to take
    • 6.5 What NOT to do!!
      • 6.5.1 Supplements never, ever to take
      • 6.5.2 Supplements some people need to avoid
      • 6.5.3 Avoid medical mercury!
      • 6.5.4 No other medical metals either!
      • 6.5.5 No drugs that are dangerour for people with mercury poisoning
  • 7 How to follow the Andy Cutler chelation protocol
    • 7.1 Some considerations before starting
    • 7.2 The protocol
      • 7.2.1 The first three months after amalgam removal or your last exposure to mercury
      • 7.2.2 Adding alpha lipoic acid after three months
      • 7.2.3 Schdules forr taking supplements
    • 7.3 How long does this take
    • 7.4 If you are having a difficult time chelating
    • 7.5 The "stall phase" or "dump phase"
    • 7.6 What does methylation have to do with mercury detoxification?
    • 7.7 Chelating lead
      • 7.7.1 Protocol for chelating lead
  • 8 Problems you may encounter along the way and what to do about them
    • 8.1 Why take supplements?
    • 8.2 Prescription medicines
    • 8.3 Adrenals
      • 8.3.1 Symptoms
      • 8.3.2 Adrenal support supplements
        • Adrenal cortex
        • Adaptogens
        • How to take adaptogens
        • Electrolytes
      • 8.3.3 Help from your doctor
    • 8.4 Thyroid
      • 8.4.1 Symptoms
      • 8.4.2 Supplements
      • 8.4.3 Help from your doctor
    • 8.5 Diabetes and blood sugar
      • 8.5.1 Symptoms
      • 8.5.2 Supplements
      • 8.5.3 Help from your doctor
    • 8.6 Allergies
      • 8.6.1 Symptoms
      • 8.6.2 Supplements
      • 8.6.3 Help from your doctor
    • 8.7 Liver problems
      • 8.7.1 Symptoms
      • 8.7.2 Supplements
      • 8.7.3 Help from your doctor
    • 8.8 Digestive tract problems
      • 8.8.1 Symptoms
      • 8.8.2 Supplements
      • 8.8.3 Help from your doctor
    • 8.9 Yeast and dysbiosis
      • 8.9.1 Symptoms
      • 8.9.2 Supplements
      • 8.9.3 Help from your doctor
      • 8.9.4 Die off when using yeast remedies
    • 8.10 Poor concentration and attention deficit
      • 8.10.1 Symptoms
      • 8.10.2 Supplements
      • 8.10.3 Help from your doctor
    • 8.11 Depression
      • 8.11.1 Some different kinds of depression and what they feel like
        • Obsessive suffering depression
        • Hopeless, helpless depression
        • Sluggish, lethargic, no motivation depression
      • 8.11.2 Supplements8.11.3 Help from your doctor
    • 8.12 Anxiety
      • 8.12.1 Symptoms
      • 8.12.2 Supplements
      • 8.12.3 Help from your doctor
    • 8.13 Insomnia
      • 8.13.1 Symptoms
      • 8.13.2 Supplements
      • 8.13.3 Help from your doctor
    • 8.14 Chemical sensitivity
      • 8.14.1 Symptoms
      • 8.14.2 Supplements
      • 8.14.3 Help from your doctor
    • 8.15 Pain
      • 8.15.1 Symptoms 
      • 8.15.2 Supplements
      • 8.15.3 Help from your doctor
  • 9 Diet: what you eat has huge impact on how you feel
    • 9.1 Why diet is important
    • 9.2 Avoiding problematic chemicals in your diet
      • 9.2.1 Fruits and vegetables
      • 9.2.2 Packaged foods
      • 9.2.3 Meat
      • 9.2.4 Fish
      • 9.2.5 Game and game fish
      • 9.2.6 Doing your own cooking
    • 9.3 Thiol food sensitivity
    • 9.4 General notes on diet
  • 10 Organization and practical matters: getting yourself organized
    • 10.1 Remembering to take your supplements
      • 10.1.1 A convenient pill tray
      • 10.1.2 Filling your pill tray
    • 10.2 Remembering to take your chelators
      • 10.2.1 Alarms
      • 10.2.2 Labeled pill boxes and other strategies
      • 10.2.3 Paper cups
      • 10.2.4 Checklists
      • 10.2.5 Your nighttime dose made easy
    • 10.3 Keep a log or diary
    • 10.4 Organizing the rest of your life
      • 10.4.1 Some useful suggestions to make life easier
  • 11 Conception, pregnancy and lactation
    • 11.1 If you are pregnant
    • 11.2 After your child is born
    • 11.3 Timetable of basic precautions
  • 12 Does your child need to chelate too?
    • 12.1 Teething chart 
    • 12.2 Timeline of developmental milestones
    • 12.3 Growth charts
    • 12.4 Medical diagnoses
    • 12.5 Food and diet
    • 12.6 Common sense
  • 13 Conclusion: some encouraging words
  • Appendix A: frequently asked questions
  • Appendix B: FDA mercury in fish chart
  • Abbreviations
  • Glossary
  • Bibliography
  • Index


List of figures

  • Figure 1.1 A mercury puzzle
  • Figure 1.2 A mercury-containing thermometer
  • Figure 1.3 A jar of skin lightening cream containing mercury
  • Figure 2.1 Typical cupboard
  • Figure 6.1 Before chelation
  • Figure 6.2 Chelating with a bad protocol
  • Figure 6.3 Chelating with ACC
  • Figure 7.1 A chart with two different scenarios for the dump phase or "detox roller coaster ride"
  • Figure 10.1 An example of a pill tray
  • Figure 10.2 Filling a shot glass with pills
  • Figure 10.3 Taking pills with the shot glass
  • Figure 10.4 Filling a pill box 
  • Figure 10.5 Using a box top to hold bottles
  • Figure 10.6 A cell phone with alarms set
  • Figure 10.7 A set of dial alarm clocks
  • Figure 10.8 A digital alarm clock
  • Figure 10.9 An alarm watch
  • Figure 10.10 A pill box with every dose labeled for a full round
  • Figure 10.11 An example of a checklist
  • Figure 10.12 This is from Rebecca's sporadic chelation diary
  • Figure 10.13 More of Rebecca's chelation diary
  • Figure 12.1 When your baby's teeth come in and fall out
  • Figure 12.2 When your child's adult teeth come in
  • Figure 12.3 Height/age curve for girls
  • Figure 12.4 Weight/age curve for girls


List of Tables

  • The core four essential supplements
  • Other basic supplements you may need
  • Table 1.1 Other names for mercury
  • Table 4.1 How to apply the counting rules
  • Table 6.1 The chelators we use for the ACC protocol
  • Table 6.2 Supplements to avoid
  • Table 6.3 Supplements some people need to avoid
  • Table 6.4 Diuretic
  • Table 6.5 MRI contrast agents containing gadolinium
  • Table 6.6 Fluoroquinolone antibiotics
  • Table 7.1 The core four essential supplements
  • Table 7.2 Other basic supplements you may need
  • Table 7.3 Chelator schedule: every 3 hours. Use for alpha lipoic acid or alpha lipoic acid and DMSA
  • Table 7.4 Chelator schedule: every four hours. Use for DMSA
  • Table 7.5 Chelator schedue: three hour schedule with four hours at night. Use for alpha lipoic acid only or alpha lipoic acid and DMSA
  • Table 7.6 Chelator schedule two hour forty minute dosing schedule. Use for alpha lipoic acid or alpha lipoic acid and DMSA
  • Table 8.1 Supplements to help with adrenal support
  • Table 8.2 Differences between the various adaptogens
  • Table 8.3 Supplements to help with diabetes
  • Table 8.4 Diabetes medications with block box warnings
  • Table 8.5 Supplements to help with allergy symptoms
  • Table 8.6 Over-the-counter antihistamines
  • Table 8.7 Supplements to help with liver support
  • Table 8.8 Supplements to help with digestion
  • Table 8.9 Supplements to help with yeast and dysbiosis
  • Table 8.10 Supplements to help with poor concentration and attention deficit
  • Table 8.11 Supplements to help with depression
  • Table 8.12 Supplements to help with anxiety
  • Table 8.13 Supplements to help with insomnia
  • Table 8.14 Supplementss to help with multiple chemical sensitivity
  • Table 9.1 High pesticide fruits and vegetables
  • Table 9.2 Low pesticide fruits and vegetables
  • Table 9.3 High thiol food list
  • Table 9.4 High thiol supplements
  • Table 9.5 Low thiol food list
  • Table 9.6 Supplements that are safe and support the sulfur pathways
  • Table 12.1 Timeline of developmental milestones


Excerpt from the book: Preface

The United Nations Program on the Environment has recently created the Minimata Convention on Mercury on October 10, 2013. One hundred twenty eight countries have signed it and 71 have ratified it. The mines will be closed and mercury banned. Future generations will now be protected from the ravages of mercury. The bureaucrats and diplomats are congratulating themselves on a job well done.

In the meantime, the World Health Organization has got an exemption to the Minimata Convention so they can continue giving mercury-laden vaccines to children all over the Third World. In the First World, doctors are giving their patients more mercury every year in vaccines, dental amalgam, eye and ear drops. Mercurial antiseptics continue to be popular and for sale in most countries.

Still, things look good for future generations, but what about you right now? What if your doctor or dentist didn’t get the message in time and poisoned you right up to the gills with mercury? The Minimata Convention certainly isn’t going to help YOU very much!

Thousands of people have had dramatic recoveries from chronic illnesses like multiple sclerosis, autism, diabetes and many other conditions, using the frequent low dose chelation protocol we spell out in this book. This information has been out there for twenty years. No other method of detoxifying heavy metals works half as well. Yet the bureaucrats keep worrying about their treaties, and the activists about the governments and the doctors tout expensive therapies that don’t work and are, at the worst, actually harmful.

If you are sick with any of the hundreds of conditions that mercury causes, it’s time for you to use this book and recover your health.


Excerpt from the book: Introduction

This book explains frequent low dose chelation, a method that is often called “the Andy Cutler Protocol” or “Andy Cutler Chelation” (ACC). It is a user’s guide for how to get mercury out of your body. The Cutler protocol also works for other metals.

Few people understand how easy it is to get exposed to mercury. They think they can’t have mercury poisoning if they can’t remember being exposed. This is the same as the doctors who think you can’t have be toxic if you didn’t work with mercury in a factory or laboratory. It really doesn’t matter how the mercury got into your system. What matters is how to get it out.


Excerpt from the book: What mercury poisoning looks like

If you have mercury poisoning you will experience a constellation of different symptoms depending on your own individual biochemistry. Which symptoms show up will depend on how susceptible you are, where the poison wound up in your body and how much of it you have. The illness is progressive and the symptoms may come and go, or change. It may take years or decades for the symptoms to develop into a case of frank mercury poisoning.

With most other poisons, you will be treated and you will either recover or die. With chronic mercury poisoning, oddly, you will probably not die right away. Instead, you will probably live a long and miserable life of chronic illness, missed opportunities, unsatisfactory relationships and financial difficulties.


Excerpt from the book: Other toxic metals

You can get poisoned from other metals, too. Sometimes people have lead, occasionally they have other metals, but most often they just have mercury. 

People will often get confused by a laboratory test or what a doctor has told them and believe they have a mixed metal intoxication. With the exception of lead, this is seldom true. However, once a person has accumulated enough mercury, their body’s detoxification systems will stop working properly so other toxic elements may accumulate.

The most common toxic elements other than mercury are aluminum, arsenic, antimony, copper, cadmium and lead. These toxicities can have many features in common and, as with mercury, symptoms vary from person to person. The poisons are synergistic, so a mixed-metal intoxication will make a person exponentially sicker than mercury on its own. Each metal adds its own signature symptoms to the situation, but the most common picture is simply one of mercury poisoning.


Excerpt from the book: The ins and outs of chelation

If you have been diagnosed with heavy metal toxicity by a doctor, chelation therapy is considered the standard of care. It is usually administered by IV or orally, in high, infrequent doses. Most doctors really hate chelating their patients. They don’t know how to do it properly and the patients wind up worse than before. Many doctors have shared stories with Andy from when they were residents. They describe watching their supervisors kill a patient with chelation. While textbooks don’t talk about this kind of outcome, doctors talk to each other more frankly.

There is no profit to be made by diagnosing and treating mercury poisoning. If there were, any chemist at any pharmaceutical company, by reading the same standard medical texts Andy read, would come up with this same protocol: low dose, oral (or transdermal) chelation based on the half-life of the chelators. Indeed, dosing on the half-life is how most drugs are used....

How to use chelating agents properly flows from an understand- ing of the chemical kinetics - the pharmacokinetics1 - of chelation. It is unusual for physicians to be familiar with kinetics even though the subject is spelled out in standard medical texts. Typically drug companies have specialized chemists who work out the relevant details during the extensive studies government regulators require before approving a drug.

Kinetics is the branch of chemistry in which Andy spent 15 years as a researcher and consultant and in which he got his PhD. It was not difficult for him to look up the relevant details regarding alpha lipoic acid, DMSA and DMPS and use them to determine a chelation protocol.


Excerpt from the book: What does methylation have to do with mercury detoxification?

Methyl mercury, the kind found in fish, is fat soluble and very easy to absorb. Once it is in you, your body takes the methyl group off and transforms it into the more dangerous, water-soluble inorganic mercury. It gets past your cell membranes to start in its methylated form, but then it is demethylated and not fat-soluble anymore. It gets stuck in whichever cell or organ it wound up in.

Mercury vapor is another form of mercury that is extremely easy to absorb. It evaporates from mercury amalgam fillings and when you breathe it in, it shoots right through your cell membranes, and, just like the methyl mercury, turns into inorganic mercury which can’t come back out.

Inorganic mercury is the dangerous form of mercury that does all the damage. In mammals inorganic mercury cannot be remethylated and excreted. Mammals don’t have the enzyme that allows this to happen. No matter how many methylating supplements you take, you cannot remethylate that mercury. It is stuck inside you behind lipid barriers and it will never come out on its own.

You don’t have the right enzyme to methylate mercury. Fish do. They can remethylate mercury and move it out of their brain and other organs. This is why fish can have such high mercury levels and remain healthy. The fish stay healthy, but the people and other mammals that eat these fish become horribly toxic.

To sum things up: in mammals and birds, methylation has nothing to do with detoxifyng mercury. In fish, methylation keeps the mercury in them safe. Nothing you can do about methylation will help your detox pathways clear out mercury. You don’t have the right enzyme. You can’t remethylate mercury. Only fish can remethylate mercury.

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